Install IDL VM on SLAC Public

Also see:


  • It is assumed that you are installing the free
    IDL VM 7.1.1, or higher, in order to run rmfit
    on SLAC Public.
  • You have enough memory in your SLAC Public directory to download the entire IDL software package.

Note: The .tar.gz file can be deleted after a successful installation of the virtual machine.

Procedure to install IDL VM on SLAC Public

  1. Login to your home directory on SLAC Public.
  1. Issue the commands:

mkdir itt
cd itt

  1. To download the free IDL Virtual Machine (VM) software:
    1. Open your browser and go to the ITT VIS website.
    2. Register to use the site.
    3. Select: Downloads --> Product Downloads
    4. Specifiy that you are evaluating the product.
    5. Download the:
      • Appropriate version of IDL (e.g., idl711linux.x86.tar.gz)
      • Installation instructions
    6. To uncompress and unpack the file (e.g., issue the command:
      tar -zsvf idl711linux.x86.tar.gz

Note: The itt directory should now contain the following:

  idl71 install license idl711linux.x86.tar.gz
  1. To install the IDL Virtual Machine: issue the command:

    ./install VM

  2. At the following prompts, respond as indicated:
  • Execute the install command now? (y/n): y
  • Do you accept all of the terms of the preceding license agreement? (y/n): y

    ... If this installation is into a public directory,
    you should login as root to do this installation.

  • Do you wish to continue? (y/n): y

Response: Three ways to create symbolic links.

  • Create the symbolic links described in option 1 above? (y/n): n

    Symbolic links were not created.

    After the installation script exits, you must follow
    the instructions as described in (2) or (3) above.

    IDL Installation Complete

  • Do you want to start the DICOM Network Services at boot time? Root permissions are required.? (y/n): n

Note: The idl subdirectory has been added to the itt directory:

idl idl71 install license idl711linux.x86.tar.gz
  1. Return to your home directory:

cd ~

  1. Set the environment variables by running the following setup script:

source /afs/slac/g/glast/users/yourDirectory/itt/idl71/bin/idl_setup.bash

Tip: It is recommended that you add these commands to the shell script that runs when you open a new terminal window (e.g., .bash_profile, bashrc, or .profile); e.g., source /afs/slac/g/glast/users/chuckp/itt/idl71/bin/idl_setup ... or /idl_setup.bash ... or /idl_setup.ksh ....

  1. To test the IDL setup, enter:

echo $IDL_DIR

The response should be


Then enter:


The response should be:


<Ctrl-d> to exit the 7 minute idl mode; then enter:
idl -vm

The following GUI should be displayed on your local monitor:

Click on the GUI to continue.

The IDL Save File GUI will be displayed:

End of IDL VM installation procedure.

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 11/18/2009