gtbin Help File

Synopsis: Bins GBM or LAT events list in time, energy, and/or space to produce light curves, spectra, count cubes, or count maps.

Usage: gtbin evfile scfile outfile algorithm ebinalg emin emax enumbins denergy ebinfile tbinalg tstart tstop dtime tbinfile snratio lcemin lcemax nxpix nypix binsz coordsys xref yref axisrot proj

The gtbin tool performs one of three related event-binning tasks:

  • Spectra

Using gtbin, events can be binned into a single spectrum, resulting in a type-I PHA file, or into a time-sequenced series of spectra in a single FITS file, resulting in a type– II PHA file. The type–II PHA files are intended primarily for GBM data analysis.

Note: For a description of OGIP standards PHA files, refer to The OGIP Standard PHA File Format.

    Energy binning can be provided by a user-specified file created by a previous gtbin run, or by the gtbindef tool. You are also able to select:  
    • Linear      or
    • Logarithmic

energy binning by selecting the binning algorithm type using the "ebinalg" parameter. (See Energy Binning Parameters.)


Note: When a single spectrum is created (type–I PHA file), all events in the event file are used; a user-specified TSTART and TSTOP will be ignored.

    Time binning (i.e., when a type-II PHA file is created) can be provided by a user-specified file created by a previous gtbin run (or by gtbindef), or by using the "tbinalg" parameter to specify:  
Note: Type-I PHA bins all of the event data, and does not provide for time cuts. TSTART and TSTOP parameters will be ignored when spectral binning mode is selected.
  • Light Curves
    gtbin provides the option to generate light curves from event data; the resulting lightcurve can then be viewed graphically (e.g., by fv).  

Time binning can be determined using the:

  • tbinalg parameter; choices are:
    • Linear binning (LIN)
    • Binning using a constant signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), or from an
    • ASCII file
  • Provided by a user-specified file created by a previous gtbin run.
  • Produced by gtbindef (tbinalg=FILE), in whice the user can select:
    • Linear time bins definitions (tbinalg=LIN), or
    • constant signal-to-noise ratio per time bin (tbinalg=SNR)
      (See Time Binning Parameters.)

    Note: All the events between user-specified tstart and tstop are used.

  • Count Map/Count Cube

Count maps (2-D images) and count cubes [3-D data cubes (spatial + energy)] can also be created by gtbin.

Events are binned into user-specified rectangular pixels (see the description of the parameters "nxpix", "nypix", "binsz" in the gtbin:Parameters); the resulting event map can then be viewed graphically (e.g., by fv or ds9).

  • Count Map. For sky x-y projected coordinates, use algorithm=CMAP. This will produce a single two-dimensional spatial count map.
  • Count Cube. Use algorithm=CCube to create a count cube by stacking maps generated in projected sky coordinates using various energy slices.

Note: This data cube is used in binned likelihood analysis.

Many different projection methods are available (anything provided by the wcslib using the three letter identifiers). For example:

  • Aitoff [AIT]
  • Zenithal equal- area [ZEA]
  • Zenithal equidistant [ARC]
  • Plate Carree [CAR]
  • Sanson-Flamsteed [GLS]
  • Mercator [MER]
  • North-Celestial-Pole [NCP]
  • Slant orthographic [SIN]
  • Stereographic [STG]
  • Gnomonic [TAN].

See Calabretta & Greisen 2002, A&A, 395, 1077 for definitions of the projections. The resulting count map can then be viewed graphically, e.g., by fv or ds9.


Examples: gtbin

Keep in mind that gtbin has several options to create different outputs, so some parameters are specific for each option. Some examples are given below to create count maps, light curves, and spectra.

Parameters are passed following the FTOOLs model: by answering from a prompt; as a list in a command line; or by editing the parameter file. The command line option facilitates calling gtbin from a script.

To be prompted for gtbin parameter values, simply type in the command line: gtbin

Note: Not all parameters are prompted: some of the parameter are "hidden". If you want to change one of the "hidden" parameter you should specify its value in the command line. For example if you do not want to overwrite the existing output file you should type in the command line: gtbin clobber=no

Keep in mind that gtbin has several options to create different outputs, so some parameters are specific for each option. Some examples are given below to create count maps, light curves, and

Example 1: How to create a count map (CMAP):

> gtbin  
This is gtbin version ScienceTools-09-15-02
Type of output file (CCUBE|CMAP|LC|PHA1|PHA2) [PHA2] CMAP
Event data file name[] events_filtered.fits
Output file name[] count_map.fits
Spacecraft data file name[NONE]
Size of the X axis in pixels[] 120
Size of the Y axis in pixels[] 120
Image scale (in degrees/pixel)[] 0.25
Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL -galactic) (CEL|GAL) [CEL]
First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l)[] 193.98
Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b)[] -5.82
Rotation angle of image axis, in degrees[0.]
Projection method e.g. AIT|ARC|CAR|GLS|MER|NCP|SIN|STG|TAN:[AIT]


In this example, the algorithm used is CMAP (algorithm = CMAP), which create a counts map.

The input event FITS file name is:


while the output FITS file name is:


The coordinate system is:

celestial (coordsys = CEL), and the center of the map is at coordinates: RA=193.98, DEC=-5.82

The projection method is:

AIT (proj = AIT) and the data is not arotated about the image center
(axisrot = 0).

The size of the map is:

120x120 pixels (nxpix = 120, nypix = 120) with a scale of 0.25
degrees/pixel (binsz = 0.25).

The spacecraft data file is not needed to create a count map.

The previous example can be also run from the command line as shown below:

> gtbin evfile=events_filtered.fits \    
scfile=NONE outfile=count_map.fits \
algorithm=CMAP nxpix=120 nypix=120 binsz=0.25 coordsys=CEL \
xref=193.98 yref=-5.82 axisrot=0 proj=AIT

Note: This has to be run on a single line and the \ is the unix continuation character.

Example 2: How to create a count map with different energy bins (CCUBE MAP):

> gtbin  
This is gtbin version ScienceTools-09-15-02
Type of output file (CCUBE|CMAP|LC|PHA1|PHA2) [PHA2] CCUBE
Event data file name[] _3C279_3C273_back_filtered.fits
Output file name[] count_map_3D.fits
Spacecraft data file name[NONE]
Size of the X axis in pixels[] 120
Size of the Y axis in pixels[] 120
Image scale (in degrees/pixel)[] 0.25
Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL -galactic) (CEL|GAL) [CEL]
First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l)[] 193.98
Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b)[] -5.82
Rotation angle of image axis, in degrees[0.]
Projection method e.g. AIT|ARC|CAR|GLS|MER|NCP|SIN|STG|TAN:[AIT]
Algorithm for defining energy bins (FILE|LIN|LOG) [LOG]
Start value for first energy bin in MeV[30]
Stop value for last energy bin in MeV[200000]
Number of logarithmically uniform energy bins[] 21

In this example, the algorithm used is CCUBE (algorithm = CCUBE), which creates a counts map for different energy bins.

The input event FITS file name is:


while the output FITS file name is:


In this case, the energy bins are logarithm (ebinalg = LOG), and 21 bins were selected (enumbins = 21).

The initial energy for the first bin is 30 MeV (emin = 30), while the last energy for the last bin is 200000 MeV (emax = 200000).

The coordinate system is celestial (coordsys = CEL), and the center of the map is at coordinates: RA=193.98, DEC=-5.82.

The projection method is AIT (proj = AIT), and there is no axis rotation
(axisrot = 0).

The size of the map is 120x120 pixels (nxpix = 120, nypix = 120), with a scale of 0.25 degrees/pixel (binsz = 0.25).

The spacecraft data file is not needed

The previous example can also be run from the command line as shown below:

> gtbin evfile=events_filtered.fits \    
scfile=NONE outfile=count_map_3D.fits \
algorithm=CCUBE ebinalg=LOG emin=30 emax=200000 enumbins=21 \
nxpix=120 nypix=120 binsz=0.25 coordsys=CEL xref=193.98 yref=-5.82 \
axisrot=0 proj=AIT

Note: This has to be run on a single line and the \ is the unix continuation character.

Example 3: How to create a light curve

An example of how to run gtbin to create light curves is given below:

> gtbin  
This is gtbin version ScienceTools-09-15-02
Type of output file (CCUBE|CMAP|LC|PHA1|PHA2) [PHA2] LC
Event data file name[] events_filtered.fits
Output file name[] lc.fits
Spacecraft data file name[NONE]
Algorithm for defining time bins (FILE|LIN|SNR) [LIN]
Start value for first time bin in MET[] 252390000
Stop value for last time bin in MET[] 254966400
Width of linearly uniform time bins in MET[] 20000

In this example:

The event FITS input file is called:


The output file with the light curve is called:


The algorithm used is LC, which creates the light curve (algorithm = LC).

The time bins are linear (tbinalg = LIN), with steps of 20000 MET seconds
(dtime = 20000).

The start time is 252390000 MET seconds (tstart = 252390000), and the stop time is 254966400 MET seconds (tstop = 254966400).

Since the output is not an image, but rather a table of values, you may look at it with fv instead of ds9.

That previous example could also be run from the command line in this way:

> gtbin evfile=events_filtered.fits \    
scfile=NONE outfile=lc.fits \
algorithm=LC tbinalg=LIN tstart=252390000 tstop=254966400 \

Note: This has to be run on a single line and the \ is the unix continuation character.

Example 4: How to create a light curve with GBM data:

> gtbin
This is gtbin version ScienceTools-09-15-02
Type of output file <CCUBE|CMAP|LC|PHA1|PHA2> : LC
Event data file name [] : GLG_TTE_N0_BN080104514_V01.FIT
Output file name [] :
Spacecraft data file name [none] :
Algorithm for defining time bins [LIN] :
Start value for first time bin [221142009] : 221142009
Stop value for last time bin [221142055] : 221142055
Width of linearly uniform time bins [] : 0.25

In this example:

The algorithm to create a light curve LC is selected (algorithm = LC).

The input event data file is called:

which is a GBM time-tagged event data file.

The output file name is:

A spacecraft file is not needed.

The start and stop time of the bins are:

221142009 and 221142055 MET seconds, respectively.

Since linear bins were selected (tbinalg = LIN), gtbin prompts for the width of the bins in seconds; here 0.25 seconds bin is selected (dtime = 0.25).

And, since the output is not an image, but rather a table of values, you may examine it with fv.

Example 5: How to create a spectrum over a single time bin:

> gtbin
This is gtbin version ScienceTools-09-15-02
Type of output file <CCUBE|CMAP|LC|PHA1|PHA2> [] : PHA1
Event data file name [] : events.fits
Output file name [] : pha1.fits
Spacecraft data file name [NONE] :
Algorithm for defining energy bins <FILE|LIN|LOG> [LOG] :
Start value for first energy bin in MeV [30] :
Stop value for last energy bin in MeV [200000] :
Number of logarithmically uniform energy bins [] : 20

In this example:

The energy spectra of the quasar 3C279 is generated.

Note: Previously, the gtselect tool was run in order to select a small region (4 degrees radius) of the sky around the 3C279 coordinates (193.98, -5.82). (See the gtselect documentation.)

An energy spectra between 30 MeV (emin = 30) and 200000 MeV (emax = 200000) of 20 (enumbins = 20) logarithmic bins (ebinalg = LOG) is produced. Use the fv tool to see the spectra.

Example 6: How to create set of spectra over several time bins:

> gtbin  
This is gtbin version ScienceTools-v09-15-02
Type of output file (CCUBE|CMAP|LC|PHA1|PHA2) [PHA2]
Event data file name [ ] : events.fits
Output file name [ ] : pha2.fits
Spacecraft data file name [NONE] :
Algorithm for defining energy bins <FILE|LIN|LOG> [LOG] :
Start value for first energy bin in MeV [30] :
Stop value for last energy bin in MeV [200000] :
Number of logarithmically uniform energy bins [ ] : 20
Algorithm for defining time bins <FILE|LIN|SNR> [LIN] :
Start value for first time bin in MET [ ] : 252390000
Stop value for last time bin in MET [ ] : 254966400
Width of linearly uniform time bins in MET [ ] : 20000

In this example:

A PHA2 file is created with spectra of the quasar 3C279 for every 20000 seconds. Spectra between 30 MeV (emin = 30) and 200000 MeV (emax= 200000) with 20 (enumbins = 20) logarithmic bins (ebinalg = LOG) is produced.

Spectra are created for every 20000 second interval (tbinalg = LIN and
dtime = 20000
), starting from 252390000 MET seconds (tstart = 252390000)
and ending at 254966400 MET seconds (tstop = 254966400).

Use the fv tool to view the spectra.

Note: If the tstop does not span the full 20000 seconds, the last time bin may contain much less than what is requested.

Owned by: Yasushi Ikebe
  James Peachey
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 02/09/2011